Saturday, May 11, 2013

A panoply of wrong

So we were shopping at Meijer (midwestern big box chain) last weekend and we walked past their summer Americana display (Memorial Day, July 4th) which featured a selection of Budweiser hats.  Now I don't mind Americana displays--if a company can make a little money selling red, white, and blue table cloths or American flag t-shirts, bully for them.  Hell, I wouldn't even mind a tie in of Budweiser beer--many an American has sipped a cold one (or two, or three, or four, or....) over the course of a holiday weekend.  But a Budweiser hat?  It was a real what the fuck moment--as in, what the fuck does a Budweiser hat have to do with Americana or being patriotic?  (Yes, I know the can is red, white, and blue, but so is a loaf of
Aunt Millie's bread--and I didn't see any fucking Aunt Millie's hats.)

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised--I was watching a Tigers game last week, and it featured the "Depends Adult Diapers' Pitching Change."  As if a ten second announcement just couldn't be made without a sponsor.

Shouldn't be too long before we have the "Rolaids Crotch Grab...."

[Note for the Sarcasm Challenged:  it was actually the "Belle Tire Pitching Change," but I'm sure Depends could own it with enough cash.]


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