Friday, May 31, 2013

Be careful what you wish for

In the same week that the idiot Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, decides to stick it to that nasty old federal government by letting 1.5 million of his citizens remain without healthcare (and cost the rest of us money because we're paying even more for their emergency care), a number of reports show that a) the insurance rates that republicans claimed would go through the roof didn't even come close in California (or Oregon for that matter), b) that the benefits to Californians (and other states who choose to participate in the health care exchanges) will be multitudinous, c) that Medicare's outlook is improving thanks to Obamacare, and d) young adults and hospitals saved $147 million in 2011 thanks to Obamacare.

You have to wonder at what point citizens (not to mention businesses and health care providers) of states whose "leadership" decided to forgo the benefits of Obamacare to score political points with republicans will look at the healthier (and with more cash in their pockets due to more economical health care rates) citizens of states who chose the Medicaid expansion and to take advantage of the many benefits of Obamacare and realize they were sold a bill of goods that left them sicker and poorer.

And how much easier it's going to make the necessary expansions to Obamacare sail through.


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