Monday, July 23, 2012

The year's most disingenuous commentary

And that's saying a lot considering this is a Presidential election year.

Conservative commentator Bill Kristol (Scum, with, that's right, a capital "S") said yesterday that the Democrats are being "foolish" for not proposing stronger gun control laws.  He noted that President Obama, if he framed it as just a ban on assault rifles, would be able to get it through, but that the President lacked the courage.

In a perfect world, President Obama would be able to propose just such a law as Kristol noted above and it would be enacted.  Unfortunately, we don't live in anywhere near a perfect world and were Obama to propose just such a law you can pretty much figure out the NRA and republican response:  the president wants to take away all of our guns, take away one kind of gun and it's a slippery slope, etc., etc., etc.

Which would fire up the republican base, give the NRA even more reason to pour billions into defeating President Obama and other Democrats, and actually give toadie Willard Romney's campaign a shot in the arm.

I give the Democrats a lot of grief for not pursuing gun control more strenuously, but I understand why they don't.  It's a losing issue (at least for now) and I'm one hundred percent positive Bill Kristol knows this.  His calling the Dems foolish is more a reflection of himself than the Democrats.  He's talking out of both sides of his ass and he knows it.

It's a Kristol wet dream that isn't ever going to happen.


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