Thursday, July 5, 2012

The impossility of reason

Let me see if I get this straight....

Sen. Rand Paul, who when running for election in 2010 famously said he opposes the part of the Civil Rights Act that does not allow businesses to discriminate based on race (and considering the Greensboro, North Carolina Lunch Counter Sit-Ins and the Bus Boycotts in Montgomery, Alabama were essentially protests against separate but equal in business dealings), which means he basically supports separate but equal at the very least when it comes to businesses, is today using the example of Plessy v. Ferguson, a long discredited Supreme Court decision that he essentially agrees with, to malign Obamacare.

As being an example of a Supreme Court decision eventually overturned, that he doesn't think should have been overturned, with which republicans and Antoinettes can hope against hope will eventally happen to the Affordable Care Act.

F. Scott Fitzgerald noted many years ago that, "There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind."  Hard to find a better exemplar of Fitzgerald's adage than Sen. Rand Paul.


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