Sunday, July 1, 2012

Say You, Say Me--Part II

Say You:

Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon-Mobil and multimillionaire said this week when speaking to the Council of Foregin Relations in New York City that we, as a society, could "adapt" to global warming and that its effects would be "manageable."

Say Me:

Let's ask those 300+ families in Colorado whose homes have been destroyed by the recent wildfires how well their homes "adapted" and if having all that they own destroyed by raging fires is "manageable."  This is just another in a long line of self-serving sentiments from corporate America, entities which do not give a good goddamn about America or Americans.  Frankly, the effects of global warming on someone of Mr. Tillerson's wealth would probably be manageable--but when you're watching 90% of your family's net worth float into the Atlantic Ocean or a sand dune in your backyard that used to be a grassy hill your kids could sled down on snowy days in winter ("Mommy, what's winter?") in a home that's worth pennies on the dollar because its in the middle of the fucking desert, it won't seem so manageable.

I do have a solution to Mr. Tillerson's thoughtlessness, though--since he will more than likely be long gone by the time the full effects of global warming have decimated the planet, let's make a pact to tie his descendants to the Saharan palm trees dotting what used to be New York City, and let them eat all the sandburgers they can stomach.


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