Monday, November 21, 2011

Token numbers

For the first time since Pew began polling the question, less than half of all Americans believe in the superiority of our culture.  Most Americans now believe America is not just in a slump, but on the downside of permanent decline.  I have no idea if these opinions are correct--if history is any judge, America's decline will eventually happen.  The sliver of optimism that makes me a Liberal tells me it is years away still, but I wouldn't place any wagers on it.

I would, however, place wagers on some of the reasons why:

  • Child poverty continues to increase in America--one in five American--that's right, fucking American--children are poor.
  • 45.8 million Americans are seeking food stamps.  That's 15% of the population of the richest nation on earth--that means as you're walking down a city street, strolling through a busy mall, or sitting at the stadium watching the game that one and a half of every ten people you meet are in need of help to fucking eat.
  • For the last two years, over 40% of the unemployed are long-term jobless--a figure unheard of before.  Doesn't stop republicans from trying to suck blood from a turnip in return for Democrats trying to help those long-term unemployed.
  • We have fewer jobs--of any sort, let alone ones that make for a decent living.  Pay increased by 20% for the top 1%, but median pay for Americans fell to $26k a year--about $507 a week.  Try buying a home and putting kids through college on that pay.  Hell, funding an apartment and feeding a family would be hard on that shit pay.
I know it's an uncomfortable topic for the 1% and their enablers, but a return to the days of the robber barons will only hasten America's decline.  When a decent home, affordable transportation, a vacation once in a while, basic medical care, and simple sustenance become out of reach for more and more Americans while the richest of the rich continue to be grossly overpaid, it's going to get harder and harder for the poor majority to pick up weapons to defend them, harder and harder to maintain infrastructure for them, harder and harder to run their cash registers, fix their cars, take their blood pressure, and teach their children.

Where economic pessismism reigns for the majority, the death of a nation can't be far behind.


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