Sunday, November 20, 2011

Going Underground

On November the 8th, the Occupy Wall Street movement polled as being nearly twice as popular as the Antoinettes.  By November 17th, 43% had a higher opinion of the Antoinettes as opposed to 37% for OWS.  Three little words:  what the fuck?

One would have to assume the clearing of Zuccotti Park was probably going to happen eventually (as well as other locales), but the numbers cited above sure had to hasten the actions of the police state, as well as make the powers that be's coordinated actions against the various Occupy movements seem less nefarious.  Conservatives favorite Liberal media whipping boy, The New York Times, immediately went into typical traditional media chickenshit mode and sanitized the military raid on peaceful, Constitution following protestors.

That Chris Hayes reported that a lobbying firm for Wall Street is planning to spread their usual bullshit and make Democrats pay for Occupy Wall Street support--so republicans can do what they do best:  fellate the 1%--also doesn't come as a surprise.  Nor is it a surprise that Antoinette media is lying out its ass with its dirty hippie schtick--one would think some enterprising son of a bitch in the tradtional media would point out that the 60's are long over and that most of us (i.e., those with a brain) have realized that enjoying sex is a good thing, it's okay for women to work, and the Viernam War really was a fiasco.

Look, I agree with Matt Taibibi--one of the true joys of watching the OWS movement is that it is a bunch of ordinary Americans who are just sick and tired of politicans who don't care and everything being just another product to be sold to all of us.  I'm glad the OWS protestors in New York City didn't give up and came back fighting to shut Wall Street down.  But I think we are absolutely kidding ourselves that we're going to Ghandi our way to success with this movement.  For one, the movement lacks a Ghandi (or an MLK)--larger than life leaders are the backbone of any movement.  For another, as this last week illustrates, the 1% have the money, own the media, own the police, have just enough dimwit Antoinettes willing to eat the fatty scraps from their tables, and have no qualms about outright lying or cheating to gain and keep their economic domination.

For fuck's sake, at least Ghandi and MLK only had to overcome hate--we've also got to fight our way through an irrationality that's like Dante's Inferno on steroids.


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