Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And while you're at it...

Eric Cantor, the weaselly, greasy wimp from Virginia was in Michigan yesterday at that one time great bastion of Liberalism, the University of Michigan.  I have no idea what he spoke about, and I don't care.  Any republican since Reagan is programmed to say and do the same thing--fellate the wealthy and corporate America, and fuck over the poor and the middle class.  Whoop-de-do.

I mention it only because of the Detroit Free Press headline for the article noting his appearance.  The headline said that Cantor received "cheers and jeers" for his appearance.  While I appreciate that journalists do their best to only present the facts, I wonder...what does one suppose the cheers were for?  Helping to destroy the economy and further the ruin of the middle class during the Bush years?  Getting America hopelessly involved in two absolutely pointless wars that cost us trillions at the expense of our own people?  Kissing Wall Street's ass after it completely fucked up our livelihoods?  Getting elected in 2010 after talking about jobs and then doing absolutely nothing to create them?  Obstructing Democrats at every turn for actually trying to make the economy better?  For lying to the American people again and again to create class warfare and then complaining when the tables are turned?  For sticking us with healthcare that gets more expensive and is less effective than a host of other nations comparable to our own?

Cheering for Eric Cantor is kind of like cheering for getting kicked in the gonads--but then, no one ever accused republicans of being the brightest fuckers around.


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