Apparently, not investing in your company for the long term and laying off workers has another benefit for corporate CEOs: that money can be used for stock buybacks which raise the price of stocks and help increase CEO bonuses!
I'm not sure which scares me the most about this trend. It's either the fact that I read the piece and thought, "Holy shit! That's exactly like the company I work for!" or that I have been saying for years that corporations lip service to "customers" is just so much bullshit because if they could find a way to make more money without customers, they would and now they've figured out how to do just that.
Either way, it's a lose-lose proposition for an awful lot of folks.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Token numbers
For the first time since Pew began polling the question, less than half of all Americans believe in the superiority of our culture. Most Americans now believe America is not just in a slump, but on the downside of permanent decline. I have no idea if these opinions are correct--if history is any judge, America's decline will eventually happen. The sliver of optimism that makes me a Liberal tells me it is years away still, but I wouldn't place any wagers on it.
I would, however, place wagers on some of the reasons why:
Where economic pessismism reigns for the majority, the death of a nation can't be far behind.
I would, however, place wagers on some of the reasons why:
- Child poverty continues to increase in America--one in five American--that's right, fucking American--children are poor.
- 45.8 million Americans are seeking food stamps. That's 15% of the population of the richest nation on earth--that means as you're walking down a city street, strolling through a busy mall, or sitting at the stadium watching the game that one and a half of every ten people you meet are in need of help to fucking eat.
- For the last two years, over 40% of the unemployed are long-term jobless--a figure unheard of before. Doesn't stop republicans from trying to suck blood from a turnip in return for Democrats trying to help those long-term unemployed.
- We have fewer jobs--of any sort, let alone ones that make for a decent living. Pay increased by 20% for the top 1%, but median pay for Americans fell to $26k a year--about $507 a week. Try buying a home and putting kids through college on that pay. Hell, funding an apartment and feeding a family would be hard on that shit pay.
Where economic pessismism reigns for the majority, the death of a nation can't be far behind.
Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming...
I guess we can be thankful for small favors--at least they're only using pepper spray instead of bullets from rifles.
It does, though, sum up exactly what the Occupy movement is standing up for--I mean the "police officers" attacking the seated, non-threatening students have all the compassion of those Wall Street jackoffs who got us into our current economic mess.
It's enough to make you sick.
It does, though, sum up exactly what the Occupy movement is standing up for--I mean the "police officers" attacking the seated, non-threatening students have all the compassion of those Wall Street jackoffs who got us into our current economic mess.
It's enough to make you sick.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I nominate Rick Santorum...
...for lying numbnuts of the the week.
I'll believe Santorum's claim of how good suffering is for the human race when Mr. Santorum takes the lead and makes sure his children don't have enough to eat, have toothaches because their beleaguered parents can't afford to take them to the dentist, get sicker and die quicker because medical care is financially out of reach, and end up in dead end jobs because a college education is as affordable as a trip on a rocket ship to the moon.
Until such a time, I'll figure Mr. Santorum is another one of those "Christians" for whom suffering is good as long as it's somebody else, and once outside of the womb couldn't give a shit if the human being lived or died as long as Mr. Santorum still has time to polish his nickels and dimes.
I'll believe Santorum's claim of how good suffering is for the human race when Mr. Santorum takes the lead and makes sure his children don't have enough to eat, have toothaches because their beleaguered parents can't afford to take them to the dentist, get sicker and die quicker because medical care is financially out of reach, and end up in dead end jobs because a college education is as affordable as a trip on a rocket ship to the moon.
Until such a time, I'll figure Mr. Santorum is another one of those "Christians" for whom suffering is good as long as it's somebody else, and once outside of the womb couldn't give a shit if the human being lived or died as long as Mr. Santorum still has time to polish his nickels and dimes.
Going Underground
On November the 8th, the Occupy Wall Street movement polled as being nearly twice as popular as the Antoinettes. By November 17th, 43% had a higher opinion of the Antoinettes as opposed to 37% for OWS. Three little words: what the fuck?
One would have to assume the clearing of Zuccotti Park was probably going to happen eventually (as well as other locales), but the numbers cited above sure had to hasten the actions of the police state, as well as make the powers that be's coordinated actions against the various Occupy movements seem less nefarious. Conservatives favorite Liberal media whipping boy, The New York Times, immediately went into typical traditional media chickenshit mode and sanitized the military raid on peaceful, Constitution following protestors.
That Chris Hayes reported that a lobbying firm for Wall Street is planning to spread their usual bullshit and make Democrats pay for Occupy Wall Street support--so republicans can do what they do best: fellate the 1%--also doesn't come as a surprise. Nor is it a surprise that Antoinette media is lying out its ass with its dirty hippie schtick--one would think some enterprising son of a bitch in the tradtional media would point out that the 60's are long over and that most of us (i.e., those with a brain) have realized that enjoying sex is a good thing, it's okay for women to work, and the Viernam War really was a fiasco.
Look, I agree with Matt Taibibi--one of the true joys of watching the OWS movement is that it is a bunch of ordinary Americans who are just sick and tired of politicans who don't care and everything being just another product to be sold to all of us. I'm glad the OWS protestors in New York City didn't give up and came back fighting to shut Wall Street down. But I think we are absolutely kidding ourselves that we're going to Ghandi our way to success with this movement. For one, the movement lacks a Ghandi (or an MLK)--larger than life leaders are the backbone of any movement. For another, as this last week illustrates, the 1% have the money, own the media, own the police, have just enough dimwit Antoinettes willing to eat the fatty scraps from their tables, and have no qualms about outright lying or cheating to gain and keep their economic domination.
For fuck's sake, at least Ghandi and MLK only had to overcome hate--we've also got to fight our way through an irrationality that's like Dante's Inferno on steroids.
One would have to assume the clearing of Zuccotti Park was probably going to happen eventually (as well as other locales), but the numbers cited above sure had to hasten the actions of the police state, as well as make the powers that be's coordinated actions against the various Occupy movements seem less nefarious. Conservatives favorite Liberal media whipping boy, The New York Times, immediately went into typical traditional media chickenshit mode and sanitized the military raid on peaceful, Constitution following protestors.
That Chris Hayes reported that a lobbying firm for Wall Street is planning to spread their usual bullshit and make Democrats pay for Occupy Wall Street support--so republicans can do what they do best: fellate the 1%--also doesn't come as a surprise. Nor is it a surprise that Antoinette media is lying out its ass with its dirty hippie schtick--one would think some enterprising son of a bitch in the tradtional media would point out that the 60's are long over and that most of us (i.e., those with a brain) have realized that enjoying sex is a good thing, it's okay for women to work, and the Viernam War really was a fiasco.
Look, I agree with Matt Taibibi--one of the true joys of watching the OWS movement is that it is a bunch of ordinary Americans who are just sick and tired of politicans who don't care and everything being just another product to be sold to all of us. I'm glad the OWS protestors in New York City didn't give up and came back fighting to shut Wall Street down. But I think we are absolutely kidding ourselves that we're going to Ghandi our way to success with this movement. For one, the movement lacks a Ghandi (or an MLK)--larger than life leaders are the backbone of any movement. For another, as this last week illustrates, the 1% have the money, own the media, own the police, have just enough dimwit Antoinettes willing to eat the fatty scraps from their tables, and have no qualms about outright lying or cheating to gain and keep their economic domination.
For fuck's sake, at least Ghandi and MLK only had to overcome hate--we've also got to fight our way through an irrationality that's like Dante's Inferno on steroids.
Friday, November 11, 2011
A cold, cold heart
From Michigan republican Senate hopeful Clark Durant:
"In regards to the Occupy Wall Street movement, Durant said the protesters should 'go find a job.' In regards to the wealth gap the movement decries, Durant said, 'I think it should be wider.'"
While I think the radical legislation struck by Gov. Snyder and the state gop have improved Senator Stabenow's re-election odds immeasurably (and President Obama's chances here in Michigan as well) by firing up unions and the Democratic base (note that Karl Rove--don't like him, but no political dummy--isn't spending money here, at least yet), it doesn't hurt when republicans like Durant (don't think the republicans here in Michigan are nutty enough to elect him) say things that really serve to underscore the differences between the parties.
People like me and you just don't matter to republicans--they wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire unless they were taking your last nickel as payment.
"In regards to the Occupy Wall Street movement, Durant said the protesters should 'go find a job.' In regards to the wealth gap the movement decries, Durant said, 'I think it should be wider.'"
While I think the radical legislation struck by Gov. Snyder and the state gop have improved Senator Stabenow's re-election odds immeasurably (and President Obama's chances here in Michigan as well) by firing up unions and the Democratic base (note that Karl Rove--don't like him, but no political dummy--isn't spending money here, at least yet), it doesn't hurt when republicans like Durant (don't think the republicans here in Michigan are nutty enough to elect him) say things that really serve to underscore the differences between the parties.
People like me and you just don't matter to republicans--they wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire unless they were taking your last nickel as payment.
Somehow not a great notion
"Both parties have something to be excited about," said Nathan Gonzales, political editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report. "The results point to an extremely close situation ahead of the election in 2012."
I kind of like the fact that the traditional media is pushing its nonsense that both Democrats and republicans were winners in last Tuesday's elections. Frankly, after the debacles in '09 and '10, it wasn't just a good night for Liberals, it was a stellar night.
For the Dems:
For the gop:
While I don't think the elections of 2012 will be anything like the wave elections of 2006, the traditional media did not foresee the Democratic gains then, and I think they're going to be just as prescient in 2012. The gop overreached, and there's bound to be some blowback (as well as some Dems reluctantly coming home--the alternative is a bit more scary than frustration should allow).
The longer republicans believe they're invincible, the better for us.
I kind of like the fact that the traditional media is pushing its nonsense that both Democrats and republicans were winners in last Tuesday's elections. Frankly, after the debacles in '09 and '10, it wasn't just a good night for Liberals, it was a stellar night.
For the Dems:
- Total ass kicking in Ohio on SB5--collective bargaining rights for public workers upheld.
- Personhood amendment in Mississippi (pissed off that they're nanobot to the left of Oklahoma) is also crushed.
- Easily hold the state Senate in Iowa.
- Gain a state legislature seat in New Jersey.
- Election day registration restored in Maine.
- Hold Kentucky governor's office with ease.
- State Rep. Paul Scott (republican) becomes the first Michigan legislator recalled since 1983.
For the gop:
- Win share of Virginia Senate--quite a comedown when the republicans are happy with a Senate split in a state that was very recently solid red.
- Hold onto governorship in Mississippi. In other news, moon still revolving around earth.
- Won some goofy referendum on Obama's health reform mandate--which Ohio voters will change their minds about once it's properly explained to them.
While I don't think the elections of 2012 will be anything like the wave elections of 2006, the traditional media did not foresee the Democratic gains then, and I think they're going to be just as prescient in 2012. The gop overreached, and there's bound to be some blowback (as well as some Dems reluctantly coming home--the alternative is a bit more scary than frustration should allow).
The longer republicans believe they're invincible, the better for us.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Workers of the world, rejoice!
A big victory for working men and women last night--SB5, the Ohio bill which stripped public workers of their collective bargaining rights was soundly rejected by voters. Why is this important?
Because this is your wages without unions:
Any questions?
Because this is your wages without unions:

A good caining
I only saw a few minutes of Herman Cain's press conference today, but my response was (actually said aloud), "You're a fucking liar." (Followed by me frantically looking around the break room to make sure no one else was in there with me.) I mean, really, one accuser and you might be willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. But five?
And you have to love the bullshit about how it was orchestrated by the Democrats. Really? Because I can pretty much guarantee that the Obama re-election campaign staff from top to bottom is praying Herman Cain is the candidate they face in November 2012.
But what really kills me is this idea that somehow this is firing up the republican base because it's all a plot by the "mainstream media and the Liberals." Horsehit. Sex sells--Bill Clinton brought on much unwanted media exposure in his tryst with Monica Lewinsky. And they're just defending their flavor of the month--fair enough (not like we didn't defend Bill Clinton, though in fairness to us Clinton's sexcapades were consensual) but skip the phony persecution complex.
Herman Cain is a pervert--don't blame bogeymen for an inconvenient fact.
And you have to love the bullshit about how it was orchestrated by the Democrats. Really? Because I can pretty much guarantee that the Obama re-election campaign staff from top to bottom is praying Herman Cain is the candidate they face in November 2012.
But what really kills me is this idea that somehow this is firing up the republican base because it's all a plot by the "mainstream media and the Liberals." Horsehit. Sex sells--Bill Clinton brought on much unwanted media exposure in his tryst with Monica Lewinsky. And they're just defending their flavor of the month--fair enough (not like we didn't defend Bill Clinton, though in fairness to us Clinton's sexcapades were consensual) but skip the phony persecution complex.
Herman Cain is a pervert--don't blame bogeymen for an inconvenient fact.
The wrong side of history
One of the most important stories not being given the heft it deserves by the traditional media is the republican war on voters' rights. They can't win enough elections on the merit of the arguments (since about 70% either aren't sure or are convinced the republicans are completely full of shit), so they'll suppress Democratic voters. In a word, cheat.
And--surprise, surprise--their main targets are the least of their brothers: the poor and minorities.
George Bernard Shaw famously said, "We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." One has to wonder if the famously dim republicans responsible for draconian voting restrictions thought very much about Indonesia under Sukarno, South Africa under apartheid, Egypt under Mubarak, Libya under Qaddafi, or hell, the American colonies under King George. Disenfranchising people who have absolutely nothing to lose is a recipe for disaster--as all of the above eventually found out.
And--surprise, surprise--their main targets are the least of their brothers: the poor and minorities.
George Bernard Shaw famously said, "We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." One has to wonder if the famously dim republicans responsible for draconian voting restrictions thought very much about Indonesia under Sukarno, South Africa under apartheid, Egypt under Mubarak, Libya under Qaddafi, or hell, the American colonies under King George. Disenfranchising people who have absolutely nothing to lose is a recipe for disaster--as all of the above eventually found out.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A classic
A reader of Digby's posted this on Hullaballoo today:
"From FDR to Reagan--We hire you, you work hard, we prosper, you prosper.
From Reagan to present--we hire you, you work hard, we prosper."
It literally says it all.
"From FDR to Reagan--We hire you, you work hard, we prosper, you prosper.
From Reagan to present--we hire you, you work hard, we prosper."
It literally says it all.
A little fun
I took this quiz from The Political Compass--it's a little different than the norm, but still fun.
For the record: I was pretty much a left-wing libertarian. Hell, I was to the left of any historical (past and present) figure they showed--even Gandhi. And I was so far to the left of President Obama that...well, let's just say I'd scare the living shit out of any Antoinette.
For the record: I was pretty much a left-wing libertarian. Hell, I was to the left of any historical (past and present) figure they showed--even Gandhi. And I was so far to the left of President Obama that...well, let's just say I'd scare the living shit out of any Antoinette.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Motto citizens
Seems their single-minded quest to do absolutely nothing to create jobs or stimulate the U.S. economy is not enough for the fuck-ups on the right. Nope, they voted this week to affirm (for the third time, previously done in 1956 and 2002) "In God we trust" as our national motto. When President Obama questioned the republican resolve on helping ordinary Americans get back to work after the vote, one Tom Price (R-GA) said the vote was important to "remind" Obama about the country's motto.
Pretty sure the only thing President Obama was reminded of was just how piss ant of a gesture it was, and just how fucking ignorant and incompetent his republican colleagues are.
Well done, ladies and gentlemen of the right!
Pretty sure the only thing President Obama was reminded of was just how piss ant of a gesture it was, and just how fucking ignorant and incompetent his republican colleagues are.
Well done, ladies and gentlemen of the right!
Out of the inkwell
There's an old circus clown act where a Volkswagen drives into the big tent and one clown after another comes pouring out of the car--a seemingly endless parade of white faces with big red noses.
This would also be an apt description of the race for the republican nominee to be the next President of the United States. Note the following:
Abt/SRBI for Washington Post/ABC News. 10/31-11/3. Registered voters (Republicans and GOP-leaning independents). MoE ±5.5% (9/29-10/2 results):
Mitt Romney: 24 (25)
Herman Cain: 23 (17)
Rick Perry: 13 (17)
Newt Gingrich: 12 (9)
Ron Paul: 8 (9)
Michele Bachmann: 4 (7)
Rick Santorum: 1 (2)
Jon Huntsman: 1 (1)
A few months back, Michelle Bachmann was the queen of the republican prom. Unfortunately, it turned out she was a nutjob. Then Rick Perry was the shit's favorite turd. Unfortunately, it turned out he had absolutely no talent for even faking that he was qualified to be President. Now the great white hope (so to speak) is one Herman Cain. Unfortunately, it turns out he is a pervert...oh, wait--it's okay in republican circles to be a perv (unless your name is Bill Clinton) as Mr. Cain's numbers have gone up despite the three sexual harassment complaints against him as reported this week.
God only knows who will be the next saviour, but frankly the only candidate who can pass the emaycee test (who has a better chance to be President--me or "insert name of republican candidate"?) is Mitt Romney. For fuck's sake--I'm not even running and I'm pretty damn certain 7 out of their 8 current candidates have the same odds of being President as I do: a trillion to one. And after John Kerry flip flopped his way to failure in 2004, you know the Obama team is salivating at facing Mitt Romney.
The upshot of this? Barack Obama may be the luckiest s.o.b. on the planet. Despite a punch drunk economy and a less than enthusiastic Democratic base, he still stands a decent chance of being re-elected. And if the republicans elect anyone other than "always around 25%" Mitt, he'll probably win re-election in a landslide.
And we'll get to spend four more years bitching about him.
This would also be an apt description of the race for the republican nominee to be the next President of the United States. Note the following:
Abt/SRBI for Washington Post/ABC News. 10/31-11/3. Registered voters (Republicans and GOP-leaning independents). MoE ±5.5% (9/29-10/2 results):
Mitt Romney: 24 (25)
Herman Cain: 23 (17)
Rick Perry: 13 (17)
Newt Gingrich: 12 (9)
Ron Paul: 8 (9)
Michele Bachmann: 4 (7)
Rick Santorum: 1 (2)
Jon Huntsman: 1 (1)
A few months back, Michelle Bachmann was the queen of the republican prom. Unfortunately, it turned out she was a nutjob. Then Rick Perry was the shit's favorite turd. Unfortunately, it turned out he had absolutely no talent for even faking that he was qualified to be President. Now the great white hope (so to speak) is one Herman Cain. Unfortunately, it turns out he is a pervert...oh, wait--it's okay in republican circles to be a perv (unless your name is Bill Clinton) as Mr. Cain's numbers have gone up despite the three sexual harassment complaints against him as reported this week.
God only knows who will be the next saviour, but frankly the only candidate who can pass the emaycee test (who has a better chance to be President--me or "insert name of republican candidate"?) is Mitt Romney. For fuck's sake--I'm not even running and I'm pretty damn certain 7 out of their 8 current candidates have the same odds of being President as I do: a trillion to one. And after John Kerry flip flopped his way to failure in 2004, you know the Obama team is salivating at facing Mitt Romney.
The upshot of this? Barack Obama may be the luckiest s.o.b. on the planet. Despite a punch drunk economy and a less than enthusiastic Democratic base, he still stands a decent chance of being re-elected. And if the republicans elect anyone other than "always around 25%" Mitt, he'll probably win re-election in a landslide.
And we'll get to spend four more years bitching about him.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you
In a way, you can understand the Antoinette's reaction (though calling Elizabeth Warren a "socialist whore" was, even for an Antoinette, beyond the pale): the Occupy Wall Street movement is gaining in popularity with the American people thoroughly stomping the Tea Party in approval, the republicans have had control of the house and numerous big state governorships and--surprise, surprise--the economy is getting not better but worse, Warren is a real threat to end the Massachusetts miracle for republicans after a mere two years, the republican primary has rapidly become an increasingly bizarre episode of Bozo's Circus.
The real story of the Antoinette's outburst at the Warren event is the utter graciousness with which Warren handled the heckler, even showing empathy for the poor bastard. Can anyone in his right mind imagine a republican candidate for a U.S. Senate seat treating a Liberal heckler with such grace?
Didn't think so.
The real story of the Antoinette's outburst at the Warren event is the utter graciousness with which Warren handled the heckler, even showing empathy for the poor bastard. Can anyone in his right mind imagine a republican candidate for a U.S. Senate seat treating a Liberal heckler with such grace?
Didn't think so.
The Unspectacular
Evil is unspectacular and always human,
And shares our bed and eats at our own table.
W.H. Auden
I've felt for some time--since at least Reagan the dullard was President--that all of America's problems begin and end with corporations. Their money has corrupted our government; their greed has lessened the standard of living for 99% of us. Anyone who has seen a Wal-Mart (or any other corporation) commercial about the happy family who saved x amount of money by buying some shit or other has to know by now that all Wal-Mart (or any other corporation) really cares about is what's in the family members' purses or wallets. But they run these commercials and sell their images through groups like the Antoinettes to make themselves seem, as Mr. Auden suggested, that they are just like you and me.
They are not.
If there is any one point that Occupy Wall Street needs to make inroads on it is that there is a clear difference between the 99% and the 1%. They do not share our beds--they shackle us to them. They do not eat at our own table--they eat us for lunch.
They have corrupted the system. It is our duty to clean it up.
And shares our bed and eats at our own table.
W.H. Auden
I've felt for some time--since at least Reagan the dullard was President--that all of America's problems begin and end with corporations. Their money has corrupted our government; their greed has lessened the standard of living for 99% of us. Anyone who has seen a Wal-Mart (or any other corporation) commercial about the happy family who saved x amount of money by buying some shit or other has to know by now that all Wal-Mart (or any other corporation) really cares about is what's in the family members' purses or wallets. But they run these commercials and sell their images through groups like the Antoinettes to make themselves seem, as Mr. Auden suggested, that they are just like you and me.
They are not.
If there is any one point that Occupy Wall Street needs to make inroads on it is that there is a clear difference between the 99% and the 1%. They do not share our beds--they shackle us to them. They do not eat at our own table--they eat us for lunch.
They have corrupted the system. It is our duty to clean it up.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
And while you're at it...
Eric Cantor, the weaselly, greasy wimp from Virginia was in Michigan yesterday at that one time great bastion of Liberalism, the University of Michigan. I have no idea what he spoke about, and I don't care. Any republican since Reagan is programmed to say and do the same thing--fellate the wealthy and corporate America, and fuck over the poor and the middle class. Whoop-de-do.
I mention it only because of the Detroit Free Press headline for the article noting his appearance. The headline said that Cantor received "cheers and jeers" for his appearance. While I appreciate that journalists do their best to only present the facts, I wonder...what does one suppose the cheers were for? Helping to destroy the economy and further the ruin of the middle class during the Bush years? Getting America hopelessly involved in two absolutely pointless wars that cost us trillions at the expense of our own people? Kissing Wall Street's ass after it completely fucked up our livelihoods? Getting elected in 2010 after talking about jobs and then doing absolutely nothing to create them? Obstructing Democrats at every turn for actually trying to make the economy better? For lying to the American people again and again to create class warfare and then complaining when the tables are turned? For sticking us with healthcare that gets more expensive and is less effective than a host of other nations comparable to our own?
Cheering for Eric Cantor is kind of like cheering for getting kicked in the gonads--but then, no one ever accused republicans of being the brightest fuckers around.
I mention it only because of the Detroit Free Press headline for the article noting his appearance. The headline said that Cantor received "cheers and jeers" for his appearance. While I appreciate that journalists do their best to only present the facts, I wonder...what does one suppose the cheers were for? Helping to destroy the economy and further the ruin of the middle class during the Bush years? Getting America hopelessly involved in two absolutely pointless wars that cost us trillions at the expense of our own people? Kissing Wall Street's ass after it completely fucked up our livelihoods? Getting elected in 2010 after talking about jobs and then doing absolutely nothing to create them? Obstructing Democrats at every turn for actually trying to make the economy better? For lying to the American people again and again to create class warfare and then complaining when the tables are turned? For sticking us with healthcare that gets more expensive and is less effective than a host of other nations comparable to our own?
Cheering for Eric Cantor is kind of like cheering for getting kicked in the gonads--but then, no one ever accused republicans of being the brightest fuckers around.
The Song is Over
It's hard sometimes for old farts like me to not view the Democratic Party through rose-colored glasses. When I hear the words "Democratic Party" it still conjures images of Thomas Jefferson, FDR, JFK, and LBJ. Politicans who saw the government as a force for good, as a means to protect the poor and the middle class against heartless corporations, politicans who thought giving the less fortunate a leg up made America an even greater nations than it was. At one time--contrary to any bullshit republican claims today about Democrats and unions--Democrats actually supported unions and didn't merely pay them lip service while continuing to grease their palms with corporate cash. At one time, we were the party that could be counted on to defend and protect Social Security and Medicare. We were the party that knew it was part of our better nature to offer welfare and food stamps to those down on their luck until they were on their feet again.
Alas--though there are exceptions--that Democratic Party doesn't exist anymore. After statements from Sen. Patty Murray that Social Security cuts are on the table from the Catfood Commission II and continued austerity talks from the Democrats, is it any wonder that the Occupy Wall Street movement wants nothing to do with Democrats any more than republicans? And they shouldn't.
Sure, I'll vote for Democrats in 2012--but it'll only be in the hope that the country will not get any worse under their tutelage than it obviously would under republicans, and not because of hope that they will make the country better.
And that's sad.
Alas--though there are exceptions--that Democratic Party doesn't exist anymore. After statements from Sen. Patty Murray that Social Security cuts are on the table from the Catfood Commission II and continued austerity talks from the Democrats, is it any wonder that the Occupy Wall Street movement wants nothing to do with Democrats any more than republicans? And they shouldn't.
Sure, I'll vote for Democrats in 2012--but it'll only be in the hope that the country will not get any worse under their tutelage than it obviously would under republicans, and not because of hope that they will make the country better.
And that's sad.
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