Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sleeping with the enemy

As you read this post, the word I most want to be in your mind is "naivete."

I'll give Tom Walsh credit--he didn't laugh in Bob King's (President of the UAW) face after his speech at the Mackinac Policy Conference.  He noted that King's speech was well-received by the conservative leaning crowd--take that with a grain of salt, as no one in that crowd isn't hoping that King doesn't end up flipping burgers at McDonald's.  Note to King:  if you're serious about improving the lives of the people you represent, skip functions such as these.  It was a complete and total waste of time and did nothing now and never will to help the members of your union.  The people you spoke to just don't give a fuck about you or the working class.  They--as well as Gov. Snyder--are not your friends.  They are the enemy.

To a certain extent, the Free Press has cautioned about the direction in which Gov. Snyder is leading the state (editorials here and here), especially with regard to the poor.  I'm not sure if the sentiments are heartfelt or a precursor to pivoting away from its endorsement of Snyder if his plan doesn't work, but as is usually the case with editorials, they had the same effect as a can of air freshener does on an elephant fart:  none.

This piece by Stephen Henderson is probably the piece over the past few weeks that has bothered me the most.  Henderson starts out with a good premise--paraphrased, is Snyder full of shit?  (Good, God, man, of course he is.)  And then proceeds to basically fall all over himself about how great Snyder is:  agreeing with 80% of what Snyder is doing (if that's liberal media we're all fucked), praising Snyder's positive energy (hate to break it to you but fucking wishing won't make it so), and claiming how much Snyder has changed the state's culture (Snyder has merely copied Reagan--shaking your hand with a smile on his face while sticking a knife in your back).  Sure, Henderson claims he's concerned as to whether all Snyder's bullshit will show the results we need in Michigan, but frankly, as I noted above, I think he, like the Free Press, is just covering his ass for when Snyder falls flat on his face.

Remember that word at the beginning?  This is why you should think about it:  all of the above are sadly mistaken in believing that somehow we're all going to work together to solve our problems.  The plain truth is that the powers that be do not give a rat's ass about our economic problems, and frankly, those are the only problems that matter to those of us who live paycheck to paycheck (at least for now).  There will be no Kumbaya moment until we convince those that have the gold that they won't have the gold much longer if we don't get our share.

Or to quote a very special man:  Power to the people, right on!


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