Sunday, June 5, 2011

From the mouths of decadence

This is the republican agenda at its purest--Congressman Rob Woodall telling his constituents, in essence, "Fuck you, I've got mine and I don't care if you get yours."  This crap from a man who has lived his life at the public trough, via our taxes, telling us we have to take care of ourselves because he doesn't want to.  It also is a reminder that Paul Ryan is a con man, and that the republican plan is to end Medicare as we now know it.

Loved the socialism reference (yay Canada!--and what is it with idiots and losing arguments trotting out socialism?) and the success by the sweat of your brow bullshit--man, there are far too many of us who have witnessed the corporate agenda over the past couple of years to believe in any malarkey about hard work leading to our success.  And as if Congressman Woodall would have the slightest idea what hard work is (unless you count kissing the asses of his corporate and tea party benefactors)--tough work sitting on your ass in an air conditioned building listening to people argue.

This is class warfare, plain and simple, and Democrats would be wise to use Congressman Woodall's diatribe in as many ads as possible between now and November 2012.  For all the Democratic Party's faults, there is a world of difference between republicans and us, and Congressman Woodall's world view is a crystal clear example of it.


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