Friday, June 24, 2011

Damned if you do....

So Jim DeMint, the pinhead Senator from South Carolina, says that any republican who votes for raising the debt ceiling has pretty much ended his or her career in politics.  On the flip side, since this is substantially a republican effort, should Congress not raise the debt limit, and as projected, the American economy collapses, does it not figure that any republican who votes against raising the debt limit has pretty much ended his or her career in politics?

If only it were so easy--my guess is, like the bank bailout and the stimulus package (both of which, regardless of their unpopularity, saved the American economy from an utter collapse), somehow the republicans will get the traditional media to feed the American people the line that it's the Democrats fault and the American people will buy it and punish the Democrats at the polls.

You know, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.


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