Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reasons to be cheerful, Part II

Week one:  old Nolan tells us why we should take the notion of Rep. Thaddeus McCotter running for President seriously (side note:  no, we shouldn't.  McCotter has the same chance of being President in 2012--important distinction--as I do:  zero).

Week two:  old Nolan tells us why Mitt Romney can win the state of Michigan in the 2012 Presidential elections (side note:  barring an economic collapse, no he can't.  Thank you, Gov. Snyder!).

You have to love the panic these two pieces show:  in the first, republicans are still looking for their saviour; in the second, they're trying to explain away the likely nominee's positions which they're going to have a tough time selling to their base, let alone a majority of American voters (is it just me or is Mitt looking more and more like the republican version of John Kerry everyday?).

And those two don't even take into consideration the electoral map for 2012.  It's hard to imagine the republicans taking back the White House without picking up at least a couple of the following states:  Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately for the republican nominee, all five have extremely unpopular republican governors right now and it's hard to imagine much is going to change in their numbers between now and November 2012--they campaigned as middle of the road and turned out to be radical right.  I can see the Obama ads now:  "You don't like this bullshit in your own state and now you're going to give the keys to the White House to these bozos?  Fat fucking chance!"   And the republicans won't even be able to spin it as a union orchestrated conspiracy to keep the rich from getting richer--that lie has already failed in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

And did I mention that Obama got Osama?

Now if we could just get the President to have the backs of the poor and the middle class, we'd really have something....


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