Sunday, April 24, 2011

Smile on your brother...

Unless of course, you're a republican....

I mention this because of a couple of pieces that have appeared in our dear old Free Press in the last week.  The first involves gop efforts here in Michigan who want our universities to send them reports on stem-cell research (which we as citizens passed in 2008); the second involves the gop outcry over a study which shows how medical marijuana (which usage we also passed in 2008) is being prescribed in Michigan.  In a nutshell, Michigan republicans are not happy with the outcomes of initiatives they lost badly, and now want to use bureacratic mumbo-jumbo to end them (or make so hard for researchers and citizens to use that they might as well have been banned).

My initial reaction to this was...a shrug of the shoulders and "...hmmph, typical republican hypocrisy."   Until I saw this piece in Think Progress which outlines at least six cases of the gop subverting the law to serve their own anti-freedom, anti-worker, anti-middle class agenda.

After some thought, it seems to me that republican hypocrisy doesn't begin to describe their actions.  For all their talk about the will of the American people, they couldn't care less about what the American people want or believe.  They don't trust us little plebes to make decisions for ourselves, so they're going to make them for us.  It's usurping our democracy, and in the end, our ability to defend ourselves from tyrants such as those in the republican party.

And those who believe in the rule of law, need not apply.


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