Friday, April 1, 2011

The enemy that never sleeps

Two pieces of interest this week, one farcical, the other maddening. adulterer, an idiot, and a racist walk into a bar--not really, it's only a republican shindig in Iowa featuring Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, and Haley Barbour where they had their usual  circle jerk and predicted big gains in 2012.  Against who--the fucking Green Party?  Kudos to the AP writer who wrote this piece and presumably somehow managed to keep a straight face.  I mean, this is the We're from Fucking Pluto wing of the republican party.

The second is a little more troubling.  The Mackinac Center for Public Policy--a smaller scale version of the anti-worker Chamber of Commerce--is filing FOIA requests for e-mails from labor department studies at various Michigan universities that use the words "Scott Walker," "Wisconsin," "Madison," or "Maddow" (Rachel? what the mother fucking fuck?) and claiming there's nothing remarkable about their requests.  Horseshit.  While they are perfectly within their rights to do so, anyone who believes their claim that this is about worrying over public universities using public funds for political purposes is either really stupid, a republican, or more likely, both.  The Mackinac Center is to Michigan workers what a lit match was to the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.  They don't give a rat's ass about the good people of Michigan and whatever they can do to keep us getting paid less and CEO's and corporations getting paid more, they'll do.  The Mackinac Center specializes in fellating at the altar of corporations and the wealthy.


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