Saturday, January 22, 2011

Screwed, blued, and tattooed

That would be us, the working men and women of this country. Two pieces in The Huffington Post (figures--a short while back I made some catty remarks about how far it's fallen in relevancy, and since, the Post has featured several excellent pieces; the power of the lone blogger!) show just how much we've been let down by the government and our global corporations (no surprise on the last one). Robert Reich explains why the Chinese are racing past us toward economic success--surprise! It's because they are actually investing in more and better higher education, as well as good paying jobs. Compare and contrast with the home team, which isn't doing much of anything other than watching as the wheels go round and round. No money for infrastructure? Check. No money for universal higher education? Check. Record profits for multinational American corporations with no investment in their (and our) future? Check. Sublime, darling.... The other, by Les Leopold, shows how socialism is alive and well in America...for the monied elites. Wall Street's casino playing with the American economy is bailed out by the U. S. government, but when the average American gets fucked by the monied elites bad business decisions, they're on their own. My, my, my.... As Mr. Dylan once said, it takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry--the government's failure to look out for us and the continued raping of our economy by the wealthy, Wall Street, and multinational corporation are two mighty big steam engines. Peace, emaycee

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