Friday, January 14, 2011

Changing the Narrative, Part I

Changing the political narrative in America? I'm not even sure it's possible. Still, after the past two years of reading the countless "This Is What Obama/Dems Should Do" pieces and having their result be that Obama/Dems do nothing of the sort, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe we shouldn't try another strategy. This piece by Harold Meyerson really got me to thinking about how good republicans are at creating their own reality--anything that can foster the fantasy that the government is coming to get you and yours is thrown out there and furthers the conservative fears despite the fact, as Meyerson points out, there isn't a single case of Uncle Sam taking anyone's kids because they refused to get them a flu shot, and zero people went to jail because they refused to cooperate with the census takers. Meyerson rightly notes that this paranoia is not good for America, and I highly doubt we could convince already highly skeptical Liberals to spout conspiracy nonsense. Still...there's something to be said for the single-mindedness of their statements and their ability to keep reminding their followers of who the enemy is. And if Liberals are to succeed, we need to get a whole hell of a lot better at narrating our single-mindedness (Liberal and single-mindedness is probably an oxymoron), and communicating to the American people just who the enemy (outside of the Batshit Insane 30%, the true enemies of everyday Americans and their freedoms are the christian right, wall street, corporate America, the tea party, the chamber of commerce, and anything the republican party gets its greedy paws on) is. Peace, emaycee

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