Monday, January 10, 2011

After changes upon changes, we are more or less the same

Not that there aren't plenty of people bloviating about the shootings in Tucson already...but these things I know: 1) The traditional media will get it completely wrong. The story the right wants is that this kind of thing happens on both sides, and that's the story the traditional media will give them. As usual, the traditional media will be wrong. 2) The right will give lip service to toning the rhetoric down for about a week, when some low level tea party nutjob will start screaming about political correctness gone amok which will eventually weave its way up the conservative food chain and Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Palin, ad nauseum will be back in business. 3) The right will reach out to that 30% of Americans who are completely batshit insane with as many goofy theories that put the blame on Liberals as possible, and since this 30% has no connection with reality, many of those theories will do what they are supposed to: get "Liberal" newspapers like the Free Press to publish completely false letters to the editor that only reinforce the worldview of the batshit insane 30%. They will do the same on every blog available, as well, publishing comments that are "true" simple because the batshit insane 30% believe they are true. It will sow just enough seeds of doubt as to make the truth of the Tucson shootings--another right wing nutjob turning to violence--mincemeat. 4) There will be lots of talk about gun control measures, but nothing--that's right, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING--will change. The NRA is too fucking powerful, Obama is too wishy-washy, and republicans have complete control of the House. Forget the Senate, too--finding 51 Dems with cojones would be like finding four leaf clovers in your beard. Ain't happening. 5) Between SB 1070, Gov. Brewer's draconian cuts to Medicaid for transplant patients, and now the Tucson shootings, is there anyone who fucking wants to live in the state of Arizona that isn't already stuck there? Count me the fuck out--isn't any amount of sunshine that makes a sinkhole look any better. Peace, emaycee

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