Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Whining wimps and blithering babies--Danger ahead edition

I don't care for my congressman (Mike Rogers-R-MI). I disagreed with him vociferously while he was rubber stamping the disastrous Bush the Lesser agenda. He's little more than a Republican toadie, a seasoned liar, and his mind knows independence like mine knows cold fusion (i.e., zip, zero, nada). I wrote him letters expressing my disappointment with his votes. I've voted proudly against him twice. Never, though, never did I think that throwing a brick through his office window or threatening the lives of his children was a valid option. Silly me--apparently this is appropriate behavior for "patriots." For the rest of us, though, I'm certain it would be viewed as terrorism. Along that same line, the Republicans passed many bills during the Bush the Lesser years (tax cuts for the wealthy, the credit card bill, Iraq war resolution, the Medicare prescription plan that was little more than a giveaway to the pharmaceutical industry) that I vehemently opposed--**Aside--good day for big words beginning with the letter "v"**--but never, repeat, never did I think that somehow they had cheated to pass their agenda. Yes, I was unhappy, yes, I think they made our country worse off, but the truth of the matter is they won majorities in the House and Senate, won the Presidency, and therefore had the right to pass their agenda. And I had the right to write letters to the editor, donate to Democratic candidates, and work for defeating those majorities (2006--YES!! 2008--YES, AGAIN!!). One would think that now that Healthcare reform has passed (nyah, nyah--fuck you Tea Partiers) and the Republicans are perilously close to the political wilderness again (once the majority of the American people see what this bill does, they're going to like it--though it does have its faults--and vote for the party of go over the party of no) they would at least attempt to be good losers and give themselves a chance with socially liberal/fiscally conservative independents. Nope--why suck it up like an adult when you can throw a tantrum like a child. Is there a more pathetic politican these days than John McCain? And, thank you, Vice President Biden, your enthusiasm is warranted: this is a "...big fucking deal!" Peace, emaycee

1 comment:

  1. Caught Maddow's segment on this tonight. It's particularly frightening that there is a pro-gun rally in VA on April 19th. This is a day most American's probably don't remember, but it's the anniversary of Waco and Oklahoma City. Before Maddow even said it, I knew the significance of that date. I've never forgotten, as those two events occurred on Me Ma's birthday. I can't believe it's not a bigger story that a group of people are essentially celebrating two of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in recent years.
