Thursday, March 18, 2010

Be afraid, very afraid

A truly alarming article in today's Washington Post shows the first consequences of the Supreme Court's recent disturbing ruling in Citizens United v. FEC--the fucking Chamber of Commerce is going to war against the Democratic party by spending millions supporting (mostly) Republican candidates who are friends of corporations and special interests. Wonderful--as if we working class Americans don't have enough of a battle in trying to keep our heads above water, now we have an organization in the Chamber of Commerce--an organization that uses its vast resources to effect policies that fuck over 95% of Americans--free to spend as much as they'd like to make certain that we drown.

Folks, the war starts here, today.

And for those idiots who spout about the influence of labor unions on our policies, this factoid in Sunday's Detroit Free Press--in 2009, labor unions spent $43.4 million (granted, not chump change) on federal lobbying; however, the automotive industry alone spent $573 million. That's just one industry, for Christ's sake. It's like the New Orleans Saints playing a fucking Pee Wee League team. Jesus H. Christ, this is our best hope and they're fighting a modern army with spears. I know I give thanks, living here in the great state of Michigan, for the UAW everyday, even though I don't belong to the union--I'd hate to even imagine how little I'd get paid if they hadn't raised the standards.

We decide: it's either the Republican party, the Chamber of Commerce, corporations and poverty, or the Democratic party, labor unions, good government and a higher standard of living.

Doesn't seem like that hard of a decision when it's put so eloquently, does it?


1 comment:

  1. Your link didn't work. My instructions probably sucked. We can talk about it soon.

    For anyone interested, here is the article.
