Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Na, na, na, na, hey, hey...goodbye

A whopping 300 tea partiers showed up yesterday to protest the Democrats' healthcare proposals. A mass of humanity--a whole three hundred! I suspect that any day now we'll be seeing the mainstream media begin to concede that perhaps this Tea Party movement is what it is: a fringe movement that has about as much chance of success as does the Green Party. Nah--blithering idiots screaming at town hall meetings makes for good TV (or not). Also, as reported in the Daily Kos, an NBC/WSJ poll shows the following: while 20% of those polled said they would consider voting for a Tea Party candidate (a relatively decent number until you remember that number would probably represent the far right lunatic fringe of the Republican party--which is basically what the tea partiers are), 50% said no. Good luck with those numbers.... Perhaps that most surprising number of the poll was that 18% of those polled had never heard of the Tea Party movement. Jesus fucking Christ, what galaxy are these people living in? It certainly isn't the Milky Way. Must be the never listen to the radio, never watch TV, never read a book, magazine, or newspaper, never log on to a computer demographic. Didn't realize we had quite so many catatonic people here in America... Peace, emaycee

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