Monday, July 5, 2021

One of these is not like the other

Guess which one isn't from a political dynasty...

Take a good look at the picture at the top.  On the left, is the late John F. Kennedy, Jr., who tragically died in a plane crash in 1999.  On the right, is a man named Vincent Fusca who is easily scamming gullible QAnon followers who believe he is actually JFK, Jr. and that a multimillionaire has nothing better to do with his money and his time than attend moronic rallies given by the traitor Donald Trump while he bides his time before saving America from the pedophile ring currently leading our nation.

Leaving aside the brutally obvious facts that a) Kennedy was a lifelong liberal Democrat who was a member of arguably the most famous Democratic family ever (which has never to my knowledge either joined or endorsed the republican party or any conservative iteration thereof), and b) that Kennedy's lifeless body (and that of his wife and his sister-in-law) were found in the waters where his plane crashed five days after said crash, if you'll look closely at the photos above you'll see a very handsome and very rich man on the left, and on the right, you'll see a man who when he fell out of the ugly tree hit every fucking branch as he plummeted to the ground.  Further, there is no conceivably possible way, even in twenty-two years of aging, that a millionaire who was born of a mother who epitomized class would let himself go to shit as much as the cretin on the right has.

How the fuck people as completely and utterly stupid as QAnon followers manage to so much as even drag their dumb asses out of bed in the morning is beyond me.

You Have a Choice:  Pass a Voting Rights Bill, or Welcome Fascism to America


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