Thursday, July 15, 2021

Down and dirty

A win is a win

 Michelle Obama has famously noted that when republicans go low, Democrats should go high...and it's past time to admit that in our current political climate that is a losing strategy.  I have the utmost respect for the Obamas (and I thoroughly believe Barack Obama will eventually go down in American history as one of the five greatest Presidents ever), but it could be easily argued that President Obama went high in the Supreme Court battle with republicans over the open Supreme Court seat after Antonin Scalia's death...and made a mistake (perhaps colored by believing Hillary Clinton would win the Presidency) that ordinary Americans will still be suffering from a generation from now.  

Tom Sullivan of Digby's Hullabaloo wrote this week (at the risk of losing his progressive credentials) that when it comes to the upcoming midterm elections that if Democrats think they're going to win in 2022 by focusing solely on what they've done for the economy (which will be great) and undoing Donald Trump's executive orders (also great), they are kidding themselves.  He suggested that Democrats should hammer republicans for the insurrection and remind people of exactly what their party attempted to do on January 6th.  I think they should remind voters again and again just what a horrid human being Donald Trump was (there have been a plethora of books recently that have plenty of ammunition) and that republicans have yet to stand up to him.  Republicans should also be excoriated for voting en masse against the Coronavirus Relief Plan, which has helped working class Americans financially more than anything republicans have ever done in our lifetimes.

Sullivan is exactly right--sometimes, you need to punch a redneck.

You Have a Choice:  Pass a Voting Rights Bill, or Welcome Fascism to America


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