Monday, March 22, 2021

The crown clowns

The only throne republicans are worthy of

 I've noted a time or two here that had we had the republican party in 1776, they would have fought tooth and nail to keep the monarchy.  It's a reactionary party that has never believed in democracy.  They want government officials and their laws by fiat, and the rest of us can eat cake.

Thanks to the Heritage Foundation (what passes for a "think" tank--or more likely, fink tank--in conservative circles these days), we now have proof:  later this month they have scheduled a forum entitled "The Crown Under Fire:  Why the Left's Campaign to Cancel the Monarchy and Undermine a Cornerstone of Western Democracy Will Fail."

You cannot make this shit up.

Apparently the Heritage Foundation doesn't realize that we cancelled the Monarchy in 1776 when we a) crafted the Declaration of Independence, and b) thereafter fought the American Revolution to rid ourselves once and for all of said Monarchy.  For a think tank, not the brightest folks around.

Truth be told, if given our druthers I think most of us on the left would prefer that the United Kingdom not have a monarchy--but I don't imagine it's a platform most of us give all that much thought.  Too busy cleaning up republican messes here at home to worry a lot about a system that really doesn't much affect us since we opened a can of whoop ass on the Brits in the Revolutionary War.

Still, the Heritage Foundation's forum was one more reminder that conservatives do not like American Democracy--most seem just fine with the idea of installing Donald Trump as our permanent leader, voices of the voter be damned.  And their continued efforts at voter suppression further show their lack of caring for the American system.

You can forget all that "Don't Tread on Me" and "pissing on the tree of liberty" bullshit they like to proclaim as if they're the rightful heirs to the Founding Fathers.  Republicans don't love America--they hate it.

And they let us know again and again by their actions.

Daily Reminder:  Zero Republicans Voted for the COVID-19 Relief Package


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