Saturday, March 13, 2021

Fucker Carlson

Maturity level of an average republican pundit

 As I've gotten older, I pay less and less attention to the likes of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter or the late (thank Christ) Rush Limbaugh (though I am glad there are those still willing to chronicle what assholes they all are).  The plain truth is they sow controversy to get a spike in their ratings or sell more books.  None of their ilk give a shit about America and even less about the Americans who watch them or read their drivel--much like Corporate America, it's all about the money.

Still, every now and again a conservative pundit birdbrain takes his bloviation to such an abhorrent extreme that ignoring their assholery is not an option.  This week it was Tucker Carlson stepping back to the 1950's and complaining about the U.S. Military's accommodations for pregnant service members, which basically became a diatribe against women in the military.

Sheesh.  Where to begin?

First, it's 2021--the women being free to pursue any avenue they choose for their lives other than being a sperm donor ship sailed a long time ago.  Second, the U.S. Military has been massively successful for the last two hundred and fifty years--pretty sure they don't need the input of a douche to decide what kind of personnel they need.  Third, fucking Tucker Carlson?  I mean really--he makes his living being an effete TV personality.  My guess is most of the military women he's criticizing could dress Carlson up in full military gear and give him an M-16 and still kick his ass wearing their dress blues and having nothing more than a feather for their weapon.  

Just how afraid of OAN and Newsmax is Fox News?  Apparently Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head have run their course.  Their next grievance is that raising Wally and the Beaver isn't fulfilling enough for June Cleaver.  

How long before, do you suppose, they're wondering just why America can't be ruled again by white male plantation owners wearing wigs?

It's never a good sign when Jeffrey Dahmer is trying to out crazy Charles Manson.

Daily Reminder:  Zero Republicans Voted for the Pandemic Relief Package


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