Sunday, March 7, 2021



And it hasn't been nice to know you...

On Friday, Arizona Senator and Democrat Kyrsten Sinema thought she'd liven up the vote on a $15 minimum wage by traipsing up to the front of the Senate and curtsying whilst she gave a thumbs down.  One supposes Sinema was trying to channel John McCain's vote against ending Obamacare, only McCain's vote took courage and didn't actively hurt people.  (It's also hard to see how this helps Sinema politically--Trumpsters hate McCain as do Democrats and that doesn't leave a lot of folks to appeal to electorally.)

Sinema later put out a statement saying that she fully appreciates poverty and trying to live on the minimum wage (beyond what the fuck?) and wanted to make sure there was a robust debate (newsflash:  republicans do not debate they just obstruct).

Frankly, had Sinema just voted against it I would have shook my head and thought "Another rich asshole trying to fuck over the working man" and moved on, but Sinema's antics showed a classlessness and tone deafness that I truly thought was impossible for a Democratic Senator.  

We might have to put up with such bullshit from Joe Manchin in redder than red West Virginia, but Arizona is trending bluer by the year and Sinema should be primaried yesterday.

537,000 Dead Americans Due to Donald Trump's Incompetence


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