Saturday, September 12, 2020

Sunshine (State) Superman

Say good night to your electoral chances, Donnie

 While there is much hand wringing over Donald Trump's failure to say if he will concede or not on election day (I think the recent stories showing Trump trailing Biden among the military and the articles which chronicled his disrespect for the troops are meant to counter this--if Trump doesn't have the military a few morons with a militia and some concrete barricades aren't going to stop the U.S. Armed Forces) and remain in the White House, I really think it's going to come down to Florida.  If Biden wins Florida, more than likely he's carried all of Hillary Clinton's states, won back the blue wall, and will probably carry Arizona and North Carolina as well--which turns it into a Biden rout and a broken peg leg for Donald Trump to stand on in claiming the election was rigged.

It's good that we learned our lessons from the Bush/Gore election in 2000 and are preparing an army of volunteers to march against republicans should Trump contest the election, but the best way to stop it is to stomp Donald Trump in the electoral college.

A third of Americans might be living in La La Land, but it's going to be awfully hard to convince the other two-thirds of Americans that Donald Trump getting the snot knocked out of him both in the electoral college and the popular vote is somehow proof that Donald Trump won.

And a landslide will reinforced by winning Florida.

197,000+ Dead Americans
Fuck Donald Trump,

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