Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Head over heels

Ready, aim...
Over the past several months, I've read again and again--and they are all most certainly correct--that the coronavirus doesn't care if you're a Democrat or republican, love Donald Trump or hate him, live in a red state or a blue state, or have a Facebook page or not.  It's just looking for a host so it can wreak whatever havoc the virus can upon some poor soul's body.

There is one trait, though, that in my completely amateur scientific research I have discovered that COVID-19 absolutely adores:  stupid.  Think it's all a hoax?  Gotcha!  Don't wear a mask because "freedom"?  Gotcha!  Go to a COVID party?  Gotcha!  Pissed off because you can't get your soda refilled at Taco Bell?  Gotcha!  Celebrating your niece's graduation with fifty friends and family because we've got to live life?  Gotcha!

I've read that Charles Darwin didn't mean for people to extrapolate survival of the fittest to humans, but I have to wonder if he were alive today if he wouldn't wonder if maybe it was a fait accompli.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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