Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Grasping at straws

Throw them a fucking anchor...
Instead of doing the obvious--corralling the pandemic, stimulating the economy, and providing real police reform, for instance--the Trump campaign has decided that their next brilliant move is to make the Supreme Court an issue for the 2020 Presidential election.  Seems that Putin puppet Donald Trump is so, so unhappy that with a little help from Chief Justice John Roberts the Supreme Court in the last couple of weeks have affirmed LGBTQ rights, didn't outlaw abortion in Louisiana, and have sided with those poor souls trying to make a better life for themselves by immigrating to America.

All of which are overwhelmingly supported by the American people.

While Roberts may proclaim that he decided as he did based on the constitution or to respect precedent, I'd be willing to bet that at least part of his decision making process was influenced by politics.  Trump and republicans are already underwater with women, young people, and people of color, and though Roberts might not be able to save Trump, he might save the republican Senate majority by making them marginally more appealing to moderate voters than say, oh, the Nazi Party.

But here's hoping Trump and his minions keep putting on a blindfold and throwing darts at a dartboard the size of a Franklin Roosevelt dime as they try to come up with winning issues to help re-elect Donnie Boy.  All the more chance we'll end up with New Deal sized programs to fix the mess Joe Biden will inherit next January.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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