Thursday, December 14, 2017

Lessons in a fluke win

A little Schadenfreude is good for the soul...

I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth (both literally and figuratively), but Doug Jones win this past Tuesday in Alabama was a fluke--if Roy Moore wasn't a pedophile, despite his hateful viewpoints he likely would have won by a large margin.

Still, it is a lesson for Democrats--in Jeff Sessions last campaign for Senator in Alabama, he ran unopposed.  Can you imagine how sick we all would have been if after the allegations of sexual impropriety on the part of Roy Moore came to light we had had no candidate running against him?

Second, there is a limit to what the American people will accept in their candidates.  The bar may be high in Alabama (pedophilia, for Christ's sake?), but it's not in states where the citizens are just a bit more sane like Michigan or Ohio.  I'd guess in states hit hard by the Great Recession the republicans current tax bill will play about as bad as child molestation in Alabama.

A win in either the House or the Senate in 2018 effectively means the end of the Trump Presidency--it's time to go for the jugular.

Fuck Donald Trump,

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I agree with you that Moore would've won by a large margin if he weren't a pedophile. In his last statewide election, he barely won. While the pedophile thing probably pushed it over the edge, it would've been interesting if he were just a Trumpian candidate against Jones. Think Moore wins, but I would've been curious to see if Dems could've moved the needle.

    In any event, the win was nice.
