Monday, June 15, 2015

Willard 2.0

Jeb Bush announced his candidacy for the republican nomination for the Presidency in 2016 today--and it was about as surprising as the news that water is wet and the sky is blue.  People who understand republican bullshit much better than I (or at least tolerate it) claim he gave a good speech.  Still, I couldn't help but feel that I'd seen this movie before and I have:  Mitt Romney in 2012.

Like Romney four years ago, Bush is not quite as crazy as his fellow contenders, is probably the best candidate they have, is prone to gaffes, is a former Governor (with a spotty record), was born into serious money, can relate to your average American about as well as your average CEO relates to your average homeless person, and, in all reality, has very little chance to defeat the Democratic nominee thanks to republican ignorance concerning the electoral college map.

Though I wouldn't be completely stunned if Marco Rubio or, to a much lesser extent, Scott Walker won their party's nomination, I've felt all along that Jeb Bush is going to be the republican nominee (if nothing else, also like Romney, he'll keep the election closer and probably save a few republican congressional seats).  And you know who else does?  Hillary Clinton.

Anyone other than me think it's merely coincidence that Hillary Clinton today reminded Americans in her press conference that both her husband and President Obama inherited the economic problems that we faced from republican Presidents, namely Bush the First and Bush the Lesser?

Let the games begin!


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