Wednesday, June 17, 2015

On Rachel Dolezal

There are people who are much smarter than I am when it comes to what effects the Rachel Dolezal saga will have on the NAACP and the African-American community, and what it means to African-American women.  I am not an expert on the transracial aspects of her story and couldn't begin to explain her psychological motivations, either pro or con.

But I will say this:  while it's fair politics to to have snarky comments when the opposing party has an embarrassing episode involving one of its supporting organizations, you should at least have the brains to do it for the right reasons.  The Rachel Dolezal episode is a black eye for the NAACP, but it is not indicative of Liberals, does not have anything to do with political correctness, and I will flat fucking guarantee you that this country's Civil Rights pioneers are not rolling over in their graves concerning it, despite Sarah Palin's wildest dreams..  It is no more an indictment of the Democratic Party than Denny Hastert's child molestation allegations are an indictment of the republican party (unless it proven that the powers that be in the republican party were aware of such allegations).

Besides, at least when we screw up it's in the name of helping others--unlike conservatism, it is not a core principle of Liberalism to fuck over the American people whenever the opportunity arises.


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