Wednesday, January 7, 2015


As of this week, republicans control pretty much everything in America.


Think Progress ran a piece last week highlighting four republican predictions about our economy for the year 2015 if Barack Obama was re-elected.  To wit:  five dollar a gallon gas, unemployment over 8%, a stock market collapse, and an overall collapse of the American economy.  The reality?  Two dollar a gallon gas, unemployment at 5.8%, the Dow last week hit a record over 18,000, and the American economy is probably at its strongest (though still needing some serious improvement for the working class) since before the Great Recession.


Vanity Fair recently ran a piece wondering if republicans were ever right over the last thirty years.  Want to take a guess at the answer?  From the debacle in Iraq, to tax cuts paying for themselves, to raising taxes causing a recession, to Obamacare, republicans have been wrong, wrong, wrong...and wrong again.


On a national level, their opening salvos this week have been to strike at Social Security disability payments, Keystone XL, a national ban on abortion, and to cut the number of people with health insurance through Obamacare.


Am I the only one who's wondering if the arctic freeze blasting through America this week (didn't get out of single digits here today on the outskirts of Detroit) as republicans take over the country is a coincidence or the fates warning us of what's to come?



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