Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The noose gets a little tighter

The five conservative judges on the Supreme Court today made it easier and more likely that people who have a shitload more money than folks like us can donate even larger sums than Citizen's United begat to, let's face it, mostly republican candidates.  Much hand-wringing has begun among the good guys--rightfully so--as working class America has had another impediment thrown in the path of trying to feed, clothe, house, and educate its families.

McCutcheon v. FEC  will cost Democrats some seats in Congress and the rest of us some financial security--in the short term.  If there's anything we've learned since the monied elite caused our economy to crash resulting in the Great Recession, it's that the wealthy really aren't that bright and their inflated sense of self-worth will eventually lead them astray.  The Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson threw countless millions of dolars into the 2012 elections, and exactly how well did that turn out for them?

One of two things will happen eventually--as voting demographics turn more and more our way, enough Progressives will get elected to turn the tide of the Reagan Devolution and enact campaign finance laws that will actually serve our democracy (with a left-leaning SCOTUS to back it up), or the wealthy will overplay their hand and end up a bunch of castrati, a la the French Revolution.

Either way, in the end, we win.


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