Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Not so equal pay day

To celebrate Equal Pay Day, republicans chose to once again fellate the powers that be in corporate America and continue to do all they can to make sure that women do not make as much money as men.  Their fearful Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, went so far as to claim that equal pay was "...the left's latest bizarre obsession."  (One would hope, that between this crackbrained comment and McConnell's equally dotty earlier remark about Obamacare being a catastrophe that Sen. McConnell would sign up for Obamacare so he can get some psychiatric help.)

Just to make sure that everyone knows that they're not just discriminating against women, House republicans today noted that despite the Senate passing an emergency unemployment aid package, House republicans felt it was time for the program to come to an end.  So, considering there are three applicants for every job opening, republicans in essence have told those two unlucky applicants that they, and their children, are now free to starve to death.

I'd say it was rare to see this level of political incompetence, but hell, this is the modern republican party we're talking about.

And they're doing their damndest to make sure we Democrats stay competitive in the 2014 mid-terms.


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