Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cherry Kochs

Right wing media this week has been celebrating one Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who for the past twenty years has been refusing to pay land grazing rights to the Bureau of Land Management.  The BLM took action by confiscating Bundy's cattle, and a bunch of rednecks with guns (gotta love that second amendment--no one's too stupid to own a gun) beat back that mean old federal government.  Note that Mr. Bundy is an old, white male--were he an African-American or Hispanic-American or a woman, these same right wing media channels would be calling him a deadbeat mooching off of their tax dollars.

Needless to say, those bastions of American mediocrity, the Koch brothers, have taken up Mr. Bundy's cause as well through their not so thinly veiled PAC, Americans for Prosperity.

I'd just like to ask the Koch brothers to please pour as much money into this cause as they have into bashing Obamacare.  After their epic fail in criticizing a program that's working better than expected and making life easier for so many Americans, as we enter the fall elections I could think of nothing better than poltical ad after political ad touting republican candidates by extolling a man who doesn't recognize the federal government surrounded by a bunch of nutjobs with guns who were willing to use their womenfolk as human shields.

Because only republicans are happy to vote for the clinically batshit insane.


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