Sunday, July 28, 2013

Off with his head!

One of the oft unspoken memes about the series of one day strikes conducted recently by starving fast food workers (and continuing tomorrow) is that those participating have nothing left to lose.  They're already dirt poor, and exactly how hard is it for a good workers to find another fucking minmum wage job?

After reading the words of one Douglas Oberhelman, chief executive of Caterpillar, one has to wonder if the wealthy elite of America will believe they were blindsided when the shit eventually hits the fan.  Mr. Oberhelman (80% increase in his wages over the past two years) had the gall to ask the workers of his company to take a six year pay-freeze to remain competitive despite earning record profits of $5.7 billion last year.  Mr. Oberhelman said, presumably with a straight face, "We can never make enough profit."  This statement may break records on bullshit meters as, one supposes, Mr. Oberhelman certainly had no problem significantly cutting into Caterpillar's profits with his 80% increase in wages (to put this in perspective, if you made $30,000 dollars in 2011, you'd make $2.4 million this year--and good luck getting that kind of raise in the real fucking world).

In the end, the peasants who revolted in France reached a point where they, too, had nothing left to lose, and people with nothing left to lose will eventually opt for death over continued submission.  It might behoove people like the callous Mr. Oberhelman to know that the death those peasants chose wasn't always their own.


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