Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Channeling their inner psychopaths

According to Andy Kessler, the numbnuts founder of a billion dollar hedge fund (and why anyone would want to listen to any of the investor class when it comes to economics after they caused the epic collapse of our economy is beyond a mere mortal like me), I, emaycee, am personally responsible for poverty in America.

Well fuck me.

See, if I wasn't helping the non-profit I work for make money to give a few pennies to help the poor with their rent, or to get food for their kids, or decent clothing for their job interview, or a dental clinic to help with their tooth ache, and instead was out making a billion dollars, that money (all evidence to the contrary) would trickle down, and good jobs would magically appear and help America's poor.

I used to believe that it was possible to be a stupid millionaire (how much intelligence does it take to buy a lottery ticket?), but that there were no stupid billionaires.  Mr. Kessler has single-handedly changed my mind.  Setting aside the fact that poverty has existed pretty much since civilization began and much longer than the shell game that is investing on Wall Street, and wealth hasn't seemed to do much in all that time to end it, Mr. Kessler seems not to realize that if all of us could make billions investing, we fucking would be.  Kessler also seems to be ignorant about America's recent economic history (surprise!):  frankly, if you aren't born into money, your odds of being rich in America are just slightly less (and I do mean slightly) than your chances of winning tonight's Powerball drawing.

As if all of the above wasn't bad enough, Kessler also rips his own kid (no Father of the Year Awards are forthcoming, I suspect) in his piece in The Wall Street Journal for volunteering at a homeless shelter.  You have to be some kind of serious psychopath to humiliate your own child in the pages of a national newspaper.

I know that when it comes to integrity The Wall Street Journal is pretty much on par with say, AOL News, but even at that I'm pretty sure they wouldn't run an op-ed by Charles Manson, and they shouldn't be running one by a man who is as equally heartless when it comes to his fellow human beings.


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