Friday, July 5, 2013

Getting better all the time

For a while there, between the chained CPI bullshit that President Obama has bought into, Democrats voting to cut food stamps,  not being able to get enough Democrats to sign on to filibuster reform, and the general failure of our party to do much of anything that supports working families, I was beginning to think 2014 was shaping up to be as disastrous electorally as was 2010.

But lo and behold, up to the plate stepped the republican party--the gift that keeps on giving.

Following their disaster in Texas with its misinformed choice haters, special sessions to pass what cannot pass in the regular session, and flat out cheating to pass historically harsh restrictions to abortion, the geniuses next used an end around in Ohio by passing more historically harsh restrictions to abortion by using budget gimmicks, and then had the good sense to have Gov. John Kasich sign the bill surrounded by nothing but old white men (Kasich is also giving our own Gov. Gutless, Rick Snyder, a run for his money for the most gutless governor in the nation by signing the bill and then running and tucking tail rather than answer any questions regarding it).  For good measure, republicans in North Carolina also tried an end around by inserting historically harsh abortion restrictions into a bill on Sharia law, since the two have so much in common, and Wisconsin's Scott Walker this week became the umpteenth republican leader to think that the U.S. Government has no right to keep guns out of the hands of psychopaths but every right to stick medical instruments into womens' vaginas.

Apparently the sole guideline for being a republican consultant is to have no brain whatsoever.  Because nothing helps win elections by pissing off even more voters who historically vote in the biggest numbers and against your party.  Thanks, guys!

Not to worry, though, as they also have a brilliant plan for the Presidency in 2016.  It's to paint Hillary Clinton as old.

Man, mocking the only voting bloc--seniors--that votes for you is some kind of strategy.


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