Monday, July 22, 2013


In 2003, Eddie Lampert bought Kmart (note:  I worked for Kmart from 2000-2012).  Two years later he bought Sears and merged the two companies into one, under the name Sears Holding Corp.  Since that time, neither Kmart, nor the Sears Holding Corp. has had a yearly sales increase.  Not one.  Zero.

Many have speculated that Lampert's acquisitions were merely real estate deals for his hedge fund, and the two companies would be sold off piece by piece until the final blue light special faded out.  Unfortunately for Mr. Lampert, the bottom fell out of the real estate market (irony of ironies, caused by Wall Street tycoons such as Mr. Lampert) and the deal isn't worth nearly as much as anticipated.  Meanwhile, to keep himself entertained in the interim, Lampert has initiated his own in house reality TV show, which for all intents and purposes could be called Survivor:  Chicago. 

The future for Sears Holding Corp. doesn't look bright.  But what's truly sad about it is the people who have been with the company for twenty-five to thirty years who have no idea what's going on within the hollowed walls of Hoffman Estates, and are in for a tragic awakening when the bottom drops out a few years hence and they're nowhere near retirement and jobs that pay what they're making now are nowhere to be found.

It might be a fucking game to a hedge fund manager like Edward S. Lampert, but for the other 280,000 people who work for Sears Holding Corp, it's going to be their very own nightmare come true.


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