Sunday, April 14, 2013

Doing the right thing

This past Friday--on, ahem, the anniversary of the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt--Democrats in the Michigan state legislature introduced legislation to raise our state minimum wage to $10 an hour.  With Governor Gutless, Rick Snyder, in the executive mansion, and a solid republican majority in both houses, its chances of passage are probably not very good.

With seventy percent of Michiganders in favor of increasing the minimum wage, Michigan Democrats have wisely realized that not only is raising the minimum wage good policy, it's good politics as well.  If nothing else, at least they are trying to make economic life for Michigan's citizens a bit better.

Would that we could say the same for our feckless President, who, like Ronald Reagan and ketchup as a vegetable, has decided that catfood is extremely nutritious for our senior citizens, and as his budget gets ever more scrutinized, has decided that keeping wealthy defense contractors happy and richer is a lot more important than properly funding discretionary spending, you know, little things like the NIH, CDC, and a host of other programs that give a hand up to ordinary Americans.


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