Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hello darkness my old friend...

What a long, strange month it's been....

So I've been doing a lot of driving this month and been getting my share of nasty gestures (man, those republicans are horrid fucking losers--really courageous, too, the way they drive beside me, honk their horn, give me the finger--or a thumbs down--and then zoom away, like I'm packing fucking heat, or going to risk an accident to chase them down and get their license number so I can call the police and say the mean old man flipped me the bird)--it ought to be a whole hell of a lot of fun when Romney gets his ass kicked on November 6th.

Anyhoo...I happened to walk out into our parking lot to check for carts while at work the other night, when I saw this bumper sticker (somewhat surprisingly because I work for a non-profit, running a thrift store, and we cater to two kinds of customers:  poor and poorer) that said, "I'm Voting for the Mormon, not the Moron."

Those republicans are so fucking clever--regular Dane Fucking Cook's they are. question is this:  when did holding a differing opinion become, uh, stupid?  I mean for the life of me, I might consider Mitt Romney to have mistaken beliefs, I might not think much of him as a man or a human being, but I would never believe a man who has achieved what he has in life is stupid.  Greedy, yes.  Self-serving, yes.  Patronizing?  Definitely. An egotistical prick?  Yup.  A moron?  Nope.

But his followers?  You betchum, Red Rider.  Because anyone who believes that a man who graduated from Harvard, became a U. S. Senator, and then President of the United States is a moron is stupid.  Frighteningly so, and one can only hope that their idiocy will spare us the possibility of their breeding and infesting the country with more idiots.


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