Saturday, September 29, 2012

Daddy, what does gall mean?

Well,  my son, a good example would be this:

Seems one Harvey Golub, an investment banker (cue roll of the eyes) and one-time chairman of AIG  ($182.3 billion U. S. government bailout, AIG that is) thinks that President Obama violated every principle of bankruptcy proceedings because he gave too much to the UAW (those moneybags auto workers) and disregarded the bondholders when the U.S. government bailed out the auto industry with one-third what they gave just to AIG, $63.4 billion.

What is it with the wealthy that any time the working man catches a piddling break it just busts their buttons?  And what part of "free enterprise" don't they get?  Isn't investing in a company always a bit of a crap shoot?  I mean it's not enough that the rich catch and can buy every break possible, they want us to load the dice when they invest, too? 

For fuck's sake, Francis.

By the way, son, in case you were wondering what delusional means, check out Mr. Golub's prediction at the end of the article that Mitt Romney will win the Presidency by "five or six points" and have a mandate.  Maybe in Backwater, U.S.A., but the rest of us live in Realityville and we'll be giving President Obama a comfortable victory come November 6th.


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