Sunday, September 2, 2012

A pop-up caught in foul territory

Apparently in the fantasy world of the Free Press' Stephen Henderson (Editorial Page Editor, no less) a mediocre speech with very little in the way of explanation of exactly how Mr. Romney is going to do a beter job for all of us than President Obama is considered "knock[ing] it out of the park."

Sigh.  Mr. Henderson, whose political sensibilities would be what we used to call a moderate republican (liberal on social issues, fiscally conservative) but what passes for a Liberal in the Free Press (trust me, if Mr. Henderson's political views were Liberal, I wouldn't fucking be one), thinks if only Willard was campaigning like the Governor he was in Massachusetts, all of our problems would be solved.

In a word, bullshit.  Romeny is a chameleon--he was a left-leaning republican in Massachusetts because he had to be to survive in a solidly blue state and he didn't run for re-election because he had as much chance of winning as I did and I wasn't even in the fucking race.  Mr. Romney will be completely beholden to the radical right and the Antoinettes, and if Mr. Henderson believes otherwise he is an idiot (from reading his columns he's not naive).

Funny how the Free Press never once mentioned--not fucking once--that economists are predicting that we'll create 12 million jobs by 2016 regardless of who is in the White House, and Mr. Romney promised us 12 million jobs by 2020.  Talk about things that make you go hmmmm.

If Mr. Henderson truly cared about his readers, the city of Detroit, or the state of Michigan, he would be wise to educate his readership via this piece by Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi.  It's a piece written of facts and it doesn't give a shit what republicans think of it and it doesn't give them a chance to falsely spin it.  It portrays Willard Romney for what he is:  a vulture capitalist who preys on others and offers nothing in the way of good jobs and financial security for ordinary Americans. 

We may be disappointed with the level of progress from President Obama's administration, but we will be utterly devasted economically by a Romney administation--think Bush the Lesser on steroids times two.


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