Friday, December 18, 2020

You're fired

Trump's as bad at golf as he is at leading

 Russia has hacked our nuclear weapons systems and over three thousand Americans are dying every day from COVID-19, and Donald Trump is...playing golf and trying to decide which sexual deviants and/or traitors to America he wants to pardon.

The Presidency has never been anything more to Donald Trump than a way to make money and have sycophants bolster his fragile and timid ego.  Caring about people is beyond his mental abilities.

Perhaps it's time to change the amount of time a lame duck President is given after being defeated--Trump is not discharging the duties of the office and the American people deserve someone who will earn his pay.  I'd suggest swearing in the new President on December 1st, with a formal Inauguration ceremony sometime after the first of the year.

Because God knows Trump continued a lifelong trend and never earned one dollar he got from being our worst President ever.  The American people shouldn't have to pay their hard earned dollars so he can loaf during his final months.

318,000 Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Biden:  306 EV's, Trump:  232

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