Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thanks for nothing

You completely fucked it up, you idiot!

 Donald Trump claimed today that people from all over the world have been calling to thank him for his response to the pandemic.

[I'll pause for those of you who need a second to finish puking...]

Who exactly from around the world has been calling him?  Europe, which basically had to shut its borders to Americans and kill their tourism industries because of how badly Trump handled the pandemic?  China, who became Trump's whipping boy because he had to blame somebody after he fucked it up so regally?  The people of Japan or New Zealand or South Korea or Vietnam, all of  whom had a fraction of a fraction of the cases we did who are all breathing a sigh of relief because their leaders weren't incompetent boobs?  I suppose Brazil and Russia might call to say thanks...for Trump fucking up so royally that their countries aren't leading the world in cases and deaths.

And who in America is going to call?  The families of the 350,000+ Americans who died as a result of Trump's incompetence?  How about the healthcare workers who are now 18 million vaccines short of the 20 million Trump promised which weren't received because even after getting the gift of a vaccine Trump still couldn't figure it out?  How about the millions who have lost jobs, many of them permanently, because he botched it?  How about the tens of millions of us who have been stuck at home for nine months?  For fuck's sake, even the people who voted for him won't call because their puny minds can't handle the truth of his epic mishandling of the coronavirus and claim it's all a hoax.

My guess is the only people to call him today were his family members--and that was just to cover their asses so they don't end up in prison cells right next to his.

353,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Biden:  306 EV's, Trump:  232

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