Sunday, December 20, 2020

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CCCXI--Clocks: She Looks a Lot Like You

 This week we have another tune discovered during the early days of my first marriage, when my ex-wife and I used to listen to free singles from CBS for an evening's entertainment because we were too poor to afford actually going out....

Clocks is one of the few bands featured here on Friday Night Jukebox to not have a Wikipedia entry, and as such, here is what I learned about them:  they're the greatest (only?) band to come out of Wichita, Kansas, and they released two albums.  Their first album debuted in 1982, and oddly enough, twenty-two years later Zip Records decided to give them another shot at fame and fortune, and they were no more successful than they had been after their first album.  That's it--but it's proof positive you don't have to be the Beatles to get your moment in the sun here on FNJ.

"She Looks a Lot Like You" was the first single released on their first album, entitled appropriately enough, Clocks.  Near as I can tell, neither the single nor the album reached the Billboard charts, though the single did garner a bit of airplay on MTV  when the station was still musically relevant.

"She Looks a Lot Like You" tells the tale (I think) of a man who while looking at a magazine cover sees something in the woman featured that reminds him of his absent or deserted lover, not all that odd of a happening when the heart is aching.  The Clocks play a mean power pop, with the odd synthesizer thrown in, and with just a hint of the new wave sound that had its heyday in the early to mid-eighties.  They make great use of the requisite three guitar chords, have a simple but catchy repeated chorus (basically the song's title is the chorus), and the lead singer sings it with just enough ooomph to make for a nice little hit.  I actually find it kind of surprising that the Clocks didn't get another shot at making a new record for twenty-two years--there have been plenty of artists to get two or three albums out of a shitty song, let alone a bitchin' bit of power pop.  So the boys from Wichita will have to settle for a guest appearance on Friday Night Jukebox, and my undying thanks for another piece of pop magic to add to its ranks.

Lyric Sheet:  "I don't know if I should feel the way I do/What else could I do?/I had her and not you/She looks a lot like you..."


324,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Biden:  306 EV's, Trump:  232

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