Just your average red state republicans |
Yesterday, the state of Texas petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to
challenge the election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. Just to give you a very brief idea of the sheer lunacy of their petition, a) the Solicitor General of Texas, who argues for the state at the Supreme Court, refused to put his name on the suit (presumably to keep his legal reputation intact), and b) one of their arguments that the votes should be overturned was that no Presidential candidate has ever won Ohio and Florida and lost...except that Richard Nixon did just that in 1960. Trust me, there are numerous other issues.
Today, the shithole states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia
joined Texas in their political stunt. Keep in mind that these states represent less than a third of the American people and are trying to argue that the will of 81 million Americans and 306 Electoral College electors doesn't matter.
Bear in mind as well that, with the exception of Florida and Texas, these states all are a drain on the rest of America. They receive more in federal money than they pay in taxes--and are able to do that because the blue states are so much more successful economically. These are also the states that lead the nation in poverty, have the worst education systems, whose citizen's are the least likely to escape poverty, the highest divorce rates, the most racist laws, and just to put the cherry on top, lead the nation in porn viewing (what a surprise--like the Jennifer Lawrences of the world want to live in South Dakota).
With each passing day I wonder more and more why the blue states--at the very least the West Coast and the North Atlantic states--don't secede. Why should we be ruled by the whims of an uneducated and delusional minority? Why should we support their laziness and ineptitude?
Frankly, as far as I'm concerned we should let them have their Darwinian clusterfuck and let them spiral into the third world country they were all meant to become without the charity of the blue states. And the sooner the better.
296,000+ Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence
Biden: 306 EV's, Trump: 232