Wednesday, October 14, 2020

And even more incompetence


In the above video, you can watch Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, whose job it will be to interpret the U. S. Constitution, unable to name probably the five most important freedoms we are guaranteed--the rights to free speech, peacefully assemble, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and to petition the government for redress--all from the First Amendment.

Now I know that a solid majority of Americans could not name those freedoms, and the one freedom they would often miss would be the same one that Covid Amy forgot (petition to redress).  But that solid majority of Americans is not being considered for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court to decide just what the Constitution does and does not allow.  Amy Coney Barrett is.

This is not a small mental lapse.  This is a woman who should know the Constitution like a mother knows the names and birthdates of her children.  To not remember the five freedoms of the First Amendment--even for a split second--reeks of incompetence.  And it shows just what a sham these hearings are:  neither she nor her republican accomplices are even bothering to pretend to have prepared for one of the most consequential positions in our country's government.

Because Amy Coney Barrett did not get nominated to interpret the Constitution.  She was nominated to enforce republican dogma.

221,000+ Dead Americans
Fuck Donald Trump,

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