Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Stupid is as stupid does

Your average republican
In his infinite wisdom (that's sarcasm for my republican readers), Donald Trump has decided to make a campaign issue out of cities that are banning plastic straws in favor of paper straws.  One fully understands how earth shattering not being able to purchase plastic straws must be to republicans, so Trump has been selling them to his more than gullible supporters--a box of ten for $15.00.  And thus far, Trump has sold over 44,000 of them.

Not sure how much grocery shopping your every day republican does, but at the store where I work we sell them at .99 cents for a box of fifty.  Man, I'm all in for Elizabeth Warren in 2020, but there's no way I'm sending her fifteen bucks for ten straws.  I mean it really takes a special kind of stupid to fork over an hour's pay for a ten cheap shit straws made in China.

I swear, just for shits and grins Democratic led cities should start passing laws outlawing hitting one's testicles with a hammer.  I'd really love to know how many republicans would smash their gonads just to troll the libtards.

If they did, though, at least the morons wouldn't be able to breed anymore.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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